Young cash09 Wiki
Emma Stone 10

Michelle Myers, now Michelle Krueger, is the love interest, later wife of Jason Krueger, the daughter of Michael and Heather Myers and the mother of Angel, Katharine and Jason Jr. Krueger.

She also had a brother: Tyler Myers and she's played by Emma Stone.

Her personal[]

She's nice, beautiful, smart and lovely girl like her mother even though she had her dad's blood.

Her life[]

She was born in Haddonfield, Illinois where her parents met. When she was little, she didn't know that her father, Michael Myres, was the killer of Halloween.

When she was 15 years old, she made some friends like Miley Krueger/Voorhees, Lillian "Lilly" Voorhees, Kimberly Raiser, Samantha Hewitt/Wiegert and Layla.

In the future, she and her friends met the guy who hate the Krueger Family: George Wiegert. See that in George and his gang vs Freddy and his gang.

Her future[]

She's married to Jason Krueger after beating George. They had 3 kids: Angel, Katharine and Jason Jr. Krueger.

They lived at Springwood where her husband lived.

